We turn a biosolids disposal
problem into a sustainable
soil restoration solution.

Rooted in health and environmental well-being, we’re fostering a sustainability movement through ingenuity and innovation to recycle waste products into carbon-rich nourishment for the world around us.

With our proprietary technology we process waste, transforming it from nuisance to nourishment. We do this by infusing our world with carbon through thermal treating to produce biochar; a very stable, clean, and nutrient-rich product to be reused for many things to aid agriculture, manufacturing, and waste management organizations benefitting the world at large.

words we live by.


Recovering Resources

Close up of a handful of soil in hands on a dark background for agriculture

Sequestering Carbon


Displacing Dirty Industries

grass with roots and soil

Restoring Soil

Climate Goal –
Carbon Negative GHG Footprint

Destroying Contaminants


Protecting Human Health

NBS executive team.

Raymond Apy

Chief Executive Officer

Bryce Meeker


Lee Wulfekuhle

Chief Operating Officer

Explore the Movement

Let's Recover Wasted Carbon Together

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